Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 Aurora, Church of Aurora’s Capital. 

It has come to my attention that a popular discord activity game named “Farm Merge Valley” has been popping off. Everyday, I keep seeing people launching the activity, even making MEMES about it. Like, this game is boring ASF! Who would want to spend 5-7 hours of their life just merging??? The Church of Aurora has had ENOUGH of this shenanigans. We hereby declare war on Farm Merge Valley.

War Terms

1.This is a head on war between the Church of Aurora and the Farm Merge Valley (1v1), no other armies shall intervene in this war. No other army can declare on COA or FMV for the duration of this conflict.
2.  Allies/Alliances nor colonies ARE allowed (or any external help whatsoever). Colonies of either army (and colonies of any other armies either allies, neutrals, enemies) are  allowed in this war, meaning colonies of any army can either invade or declare war on COA and FMV until the war is over or a treaty is reached.
3. Dual enlistment ARE allowed (from any army either allied, neutral or even enemies).
4. No server transfers (neither army shall send nor receive servers from any other army either allied, neutral, or enemies) after this declaration until the war is finished or a treaty is reached.
5. No multilogging, doxxing, or ddosing, hacking, event raiding or harrassement of any sort.
6. Any evidence of suggested multilogging, botting or dual enlistment/use of allies/an alliance/colonies/armies merged, or any other breaching of war terms after this declaration and after a review by CPA Admins, will result in loss of the war.
7. All battles must be judged by CPAJ officiated judges. CPA and CPAJ rules of invasions and defense will apply to all battles in this war. All CPA League Map and CPA Battleground rules apply. All battles are to be scheduled on CPA Battleground
8. All invasions must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance, and the planner of said invasions must notify the defending army’s leaders in the invasion-schedule channel in CPA. Failure to do this will render the invasion invalid.
9. No army can merge/colonize into FMV or COA after this declaration (until this war is over) and the merger will be deemed invalid. If members of said merged army decide to participate, the battle will result in the unconditional surrender of the aggressor.
10. Any loopholes found in this treaty abused by either army in their favor will cause in the unconditional surrender of the aggressor thus losing the entire war.
11. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning side.
12. No side may make alterations to these war terms during the course of the war by any means whatsoever. Attempting to do so will result in automatic defeat of that side
13. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason and in any shape or form (e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, shutting your army down, etc.) will constitute a forfeit of the war.

Praise Aurora


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